249 Waverley Road, Unit #4, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2X 2C5
Phone (902) 466-CARE (2273)

Registered Dietitian

What is the Difference Between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist?

A dietitian is a health professional who has a Bachelor's degree, specializing in foods and nutrition, as well as a period of practical training in a hospital, administrative or community setting.

The title "Registered Dietitian", "Professional Dietitian", and "Dietitian" are protected by law -- through provincial legislation -- so that only qualified practitioners who have met education qualifications can use that title and the following designations- RD, PDt or RDt (or the French equivalent Dt.P)

The term Nutritionist is not protected by law in all provinces so people with different levels of training and knowledge can all themselves a "Nutritionist". The title "Nutritionist" is protected for Dietitians in some provinces and dietitians do use the title "nutritionists". As the term "nutritionist' is not a protected title in some provinces, you should contact your provincial regulatory body to ensure that you are receiving services from a dietitian.

You should be careful to ensure that the person is a qualified nutrition professional. You can contact Dietitians of Canada or the Nova Scotia Dietetic Association (NSDA) to obtain a list of Dietitians in your area.  Source:

 Dietitians of Canada, www.dietitians.ca

What To Expect Why See A dietitian Who Should See A Dietitian